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SPECIAL EVENING   Molenbeek, radical generation?

"One year after the Paris attacks"

Special evening on La Une this Monday, November 07, 2016. From 7:30 p.m., a special edition of the Journal Télévisé will include a long report by Justine Katz. Then comes the documentary "Molenbeek, radical generation?" directed by Chergui Kharroubi and José-Luis Peñafuerte. It will be followed by a citizen debate moderated by Hadja Lahbib and Jérôme Colin.

At 8:45 p.m., "Molenbeek, radical generation?"

Filmed the day after the attacks in Paris for several months until the attacks in Brussels, this documentary by Chergui Kharroubi and José-Luis Peñafuerte offers us an uncompromising but without caricature dive into the reality of this working-class town in the center of the European capital. A town quickly designated by the press and international surveys as the cradle of jihadism in Europe. Did Molenbeek give birth to monsters? Is Molenbeek really the cradle of jihadism in Europe?

To continue the reflection and provide some answers to the question of radicalism, the documentary will be followed by a citizen debate led by Hadja Lahbib and Jérôme Colin at the heart of a Brussels school. We hear about radicalization every day in the media, on the streets, at school, but what is it? What are young people and families suffering from? Is it the school's fault? To the economic situation? To religion? To parents ? What can we do there? Are there avenues to build together to fight against radicalization? To discuss it, Hadja Lahbib and Jérôme Colin will be surrounded by most of the documentary's interlocutors as well as a series of witnesses or experts on the issue.

Presentation Hadja Lahbib andJerome Colin,achievement Jonas Canon 



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