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The Bubbles of Tout le Baz'Art

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​During the summer of 2020 on La Une, Tout le Baz'Art went on bubbles and on vacation with a daily five-minute show, in which _cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_Joëlle Scoriels each time invited an artist, who in turn introduced us to someone who inspires her. The idea is to shed light on actors and actresses from the cultural world, all fields combined, impacted by the coronacrisis. We went everywhere, to a place that the guest wanted to support : a workshop, a museum, a garden, the back room of some gambling den... We discover , we chat, we declaim a piece of text, we play a flugelhorn tune, we sculpt polystyrene... we say the needs of artists... we highlight... And icing on the Baz'Art, the Sunday we compile, we stack the bubbles of the week, bubble on bubble for a sparkling and bouncy Tout le Baz'Art of twenty-six minutes, which will tell you so much !

Year 2020

Edition Joelle Scoriels and Patrick de Lamalle,
AchievementJonah Canon

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