A documentary series on different streets of our country...Each documentary tells a street and its inhabitants. The choice of streets stops on those whose names evoke a human quest: Peace, Love, Paradise, Joy...
This choice gives color to the episode, sets the scene, it is the film's breeding ground.
The strength of the concept lies in the storytelling. The story is built by the voice of the narrator, a red thread, which comes to weave and intertwine the moments of life of the protagonists, making them ring and resonate with the very fabric of life. The voice makes the link between each story, goes from the singular to the collective and re-enchants reality.
(2019) - (2021)
Rue du Manneken Pis - Brussels - Ep5
Few people know the exact location of rue de l'Etuve and yet many of them have already walked its cobblestones because it passes right in front of the most famous fountain in Brussels: the Manneken Pis.
From this street we generally remember having crossed it crossing processions of tourists in colored raincoats, having seen delighted faces in front of hot waffles but we also remember never having really had time to go there. Stop. A street that you take home in digital format.
Rue de l'Étuve is an extraordinary street, just like all the other streets!
Directed by Léa Zilber and Mathias Desmarres
Produced by RTBF, Documentary Unitand Triangle7
Rue des Apparitions - Beauraing - Ep4
One might think that the age of miracles has passed in Beauraing. It took place about thirty times from 1932 to 1933, during each of the apparitions of the Virgin Mary to a group of young children. We know Beauraing in Belgium and around the world for this incredible event. But it is high time to rediscover Beauraing… because here, miracles are not confined to the church…! And behind shop windows and local blinds hide stories worthy of the most beautiful fairy tales.
Rue de l'Aubépine is an extraordinary street, just like all the other streets!
Directed by Léa Zilber and Mathias Desmarres
Produced by RTBF, Documentary Unit, Society Theme and Triangle7
Paradise Street - Liège - Ep3
Is this street real? A “Sainte-Marie des Anges” church built in the 19th century on the very site of a brothel called “Le Paradis Terrestre”... that is to say that Rue Paradis has always been devoted to eclecticism. Even today, it plays with metaphors: a contribution building like a slicing sword, a train station like a ship ringing the bell... and what about the humans who frequent it and who teach us the true nature of life? : a mixture of dream, fantasy and reality.
Rue Paradis is an extraordinary street, just like all the other streets!
Directed by Léa Zilber and Mathias Desmarres
Produced by RTBF, Documentary Unit, Society Theme and Triangle7
Directed by Marc Dacosse and Léa Zilber
Produced by RTBF, Documentary Unit, Society Theme and Triangle7
Peace Street - Ixelles - Ep2
To go from the commercial Chaussée d'Ixelles to the thundering Matonge, a direct access: the rue de la Paix. Going from one universe to another is like going from gray to color while crossing a whole palette of characters and stories. It's a busy street, with its hours and moods. In the morning, it becomes a corridor for hurried Eurocrats,
at noon, stop for lunch in Saint-Boniface which for the occasion takes on a little air of Saint-Germains des Prés. At night, a colorful fauna invades it until morning. Everyone comes and goes, ignoring the existence of the inhabitants, shopkeepers and customers who all have a story of their lives that is as true as it is fascinating to tell.
Rue de la Paix is an extraordinary street, just like all the other streets!
Street of gaiety - Binche - Ep1
In the center of Binche, rue de la Gaieté is like a link to the Grand Place, the ardent heart of carnival days when oranges and confetti fly. Rue de la Gaieté is a pedestrian street the size of one or two lying Gilles, no more. No car, a shiny cobblestone, it looks like an ageless street. And behind the traditional reports on the Carnival of Binche hide Binchois who have so many personal stories to tell. And if, for the time of a “My Street”, we put aside this impression of “déjà vu” of the Carnival to see with new eyes, the incredible palette of colors of the heart of its inhabitants?
Rue de la Gaieté is an extraordinary street, just like all the other streets!
Directed by Manon Mottard, Marc Dacosse and Léa Zilber
Produced by RTBF, Documentary Unit, Society Theme and Triangle7